How can I make my home more energy-efficient during the winter months?

1. Seal your windows and doors: Use weather stripping or caulk to seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors to prevent drafts and air leaks.

2. Install a programmable thermostat: This will allow you to set different temperatures throughout the day to save energy and reduce heating costs.

3. Insulate your attic and walls: Adding insulation to your attic and walls can help reduce heat loss and lower energy bills.

4. Use energy-efficient light bulbs: LED or CFL bulbs use less energy and produce less heat than traditional incandescent bulbs.

5. Use space heaters selectively: Only heat the spaces you are using regularly and turn off heaters when a room is unoccupied.

6. Dress for the weather: Wear warm clothing and use blankets to keep yourself comfortable instead of relying solely on heating.

7. Use curtains and window treatments: Thick curtains or blinds can help insulate windows and keep cold air out.

8. Change your furnace filter regularly: A clean filter allows your heating system to operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption.

9. Consider upgrading your heating system: If your heating system is old and inefficient, consider upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model.

10. Reduce hot water usage: This can be done by taking shorter showers, using low-flow showerheads and faucets, and washing clothes in cold water.